ARVEE Logistics FZCO strives on the business foundations and principles governed by our group wide mission and values. Our multidisciplinary team of experts is equipped to implement the principles and collectively deliver a “best in class” commercial service
Customer Focused-Our client and customer focus is paramount to our success. We deliver our services based on the client’s logistics and company-wide objectives. We encapsulate a culture of accountability, our key deliverables define our global expertise
Cost Efficient- We harness and adapt our costing models to reflect our international partnerships with our clients. Our operational experience in understanding the global volatility and differentiating between short and long term freight projections, we build our framework within the clients scheduling and cost management tools.
Flexible & Manageable Approach-The logistics and freight industry is a 24/7 cycle of business, at ARVEE Logistics FZCO we understand the complexities and scheduling of deliverables pertaining to our clients freight import and export needs. We apply a flexible approach with hands-on experience to help drive value across the various freight business functions.
Our international offices capture all time-zones to ensure our clients and customer needs are navigated towards providing a streamlined supply chain of services and delivery excellence.